Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thesis Topic : To investigate the application of learning strategies in Korea with regard to the acquisition of English.

The definition of learning strategies in this context refers to the means whereby students regulate, assist and evaluate their own learning.

Within the cognitive theory paradigm second language acquisition is seen as having more to do with learning complex cognitive skills than it does with other content based subjects. From the point of view of CALLA (Cognitive academic learning approach) the study of the strategies employed by successful students holds the key to effective development of a second language, and of higher cognitive awareness. Chamat and O’ Malley (1995) discuss at least three types of strategies: metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social-affective strategies.

By reviewing studies in this area I seek to answer:
1) Which of these strategies are most effective for increased verbal fluency?
2) Which strategies are most appropriate for certain age groups (or developmental level)?

3) What is the current extent of the use of learning strategies employed by English teachers in Korea?
4) What is the attitude towards the use of learning strategies by English teachers in Korea?
Questions 3 and 4 can be answered by posing questions to English teachers in public, private and tertiary institutions such as:
What is your awareness of and exposure to learning strategies?
To what extent (if any) is the use of learning strategies employed in your lessons.
What are your feelings about the merits of learning strategies?

5) To what extent are learning strategies supported in the learning material used in Korea.
The above question could be investigated by a review of the learning material in the form of English text books used in public, private and tertiary institutions.

6) How to introduce (or extend and maximize the use of) learning strategies with regard to English education in Korea.

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